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Efficient production of high purity nitrogen for LCMS Labmate Online

More and more laboratories are moving from using nitrogen tanks to producing their own high-purity nitrogen to meet their inert gas needs. Analytical methods such as chromatography or mass spectrometry, widely used in laboratories around the world, require nitrogen or other inert gases to concentrate test samples before analysis. Due to the large volume required, using a nitrogen generator is often more efficient than a nitrogen tank.
Organomation, a leader in sample preparation since 1959, recently added theĀ  nitrogen generator to its offering. It uses pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology to provide a stable flow of high purity nitrogen, making it an ideal solution for LCMS analysis.
The nitrogen generator is designed with user efficiency and safety in mind, so you can be confident in the device’s ability to meet your lab’s needs.
TheĀ nitrogen generator is compatible with all nitrogen evaporators (up to 100 sample positions) and most LCMS analyzers on the market. Learn more about how using a nitrogen generator in your laboratory can improve your workflow and make your analyzes more efficient.